“Not-witch” Christine O’Donnell is under investigation for misusing campaign contributions according to the Associated Press. The failed embarrassment of a Tea Party candidate lost her bid to fill Joe Biden’s shoes as a U.S. Senator from Delaware and allegedly spent campaign contributions on herself in the process.
The news was brought to the attention of the AP by an unnamed source, but since then, the U.S. Attorney’s office has confirmed they are investigating a complaint.
O’Donnell first shot to national attention after her endorsement by Sarah Palin gave her the boost needed to trump Republican Mike Castle for the party nomination.
O’Donnell hasn’t had a full time job in years and has consistently dodged questions regarding her source of income. Her anti-masturbation position was very unpopular and her loss to Democrat Chris Coons was her third failed run at the seat. One of her former aids recorded an automated message that accused her of “living on campaign donations — using them for rent and personal expenses, while leaving her workers unpaid and piling up thousands in debt.” The candidate allegedly used campaign contributions to pay rent because her home “doubled as campaign headquarters.”
Without a campaign chest to seep from, her current means of paying rent is unknown.